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John Kelly



Spartica Australia was founded in 2019 by Mr John Kelly, former Senior Protective Security Adviser for the NSW Police Counter Terrorism Command.

Mr John Kelly retired after an extensive career spanning over three decades in the NSW Police Force as an Investigator, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Security Adviser and Manager in many critical front line positions.

As a Senior Protective Security Adviser with the Counter Terrorism Command, John was responsible for leading the first ‘hostile vehicle and surface mounted portable barrier crash test studies’ to be undertaken in Australia.

John also co-authored the first ‘National Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Guidelines for Crowded Places’ to be utilised by business and event managers around Australia who require counter measures against potential hostile vehicle attacks.

John was also responsible for developing the ‘Security Posture Escalation Guide’ to complement the ‘National Terrorism Threat Advisory System’ to assist businesses and event managers responsible for the highest level of security planning.

While leading the Critical Infrastructure Protection Team, John was responsible for the research and writing of multiple full protective security threat and vulnerability assessments for public and private operators of NSW critical infrastructure and crowded places. Focusing on general crime and terrorism threats, these assessments have included many iconic and valued buildings and structures across Sydney and more broadly NSW’s critical infrastructures.

These have included major dams and water treatment plants, power generation and transmission plants, bulk fuel and nuclear storage, major transport and health care facilities. John has also conducted security assessments and designed security plans for crowded places, including major ‘hallmark’ events, national running festivals, sporting stadiums and shopping facilities.

As a senior manager within Counter Terrorism Command John also facilitated many ‘Discussion Exercises’, ‘Protective Security Awareness Workshops, ‘Threat Briefings’ and ‘Crowded Places Forums’ (which have included an analysis of terrorist attack case studies from around the world). These services were provided to both public and private sector business operators to audiences of over 200 attendees. John has delivered over 100 such presentations.

Prior to John’s extensive work at NSWPF Counter Terrorism Command he worked as an Investigations Manager with the NSW Police Force Crash Investigation Unit where he developed his skills and interest in the analysis of light and heavy vehicle collisions. John has been accepted as an expert in vehicle crash analysis and reconstruction in many court proceedings.